Cardio Kickboxing Health Benefits

Cardio Kickboxing Health Benefits

Cardio kickboxing health benefits are numerous because of the sport being so versatile and encompassing a large variety of movements. Kickboxing provides a great way to tone your muscles and build cardiovascular endurance in a safe and exciting environment. This results in improved flexibility, balance and even sense of self.

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Not Your Same Old Routine
Tired of your aerobics classes and the same old routine on indoor exercise equipment? How about combining both of those with fists to bags and some (friendly and instructional) hand-to-hand combat? Throw in a group of motivating coaches and classmates and you’ve got the perfect recipe for the most enjoyable cardio you’ll ever encounter. Not only will cardio kickboxing make your workouts more enjoyable – chances are cardio kickboxing will help you to burn more calories than your previous routines. How many calories does kickboxing burn? The American Council on Education tells us that you can expect to burn as many as 350 to 450 calories during a one-hour kickboxing workout.

Cardio Kickboxing Health Benefits Furthered
Not only is cardio kickboxing great for your body, but it also has miraculous effects on confidence, self-esteem and stress levels. There is no better feeling than walking out of a workout with an improved image of one self accompanied by a healthier lifestyle. Kickboxing is a very social activity, and this carries through to life outside of the gym. There’s just something about some friendly hand to hand combat that creates a special type of bond between people as trust and patience are key virtues in working with exercise partners and their instructors. Both the instructional and sparring portion of classes are at reduced intensity and always use proper equipment, as our end goal is to teach self defense and get you in shape – not a black eye!

Dive on into Cardio Kickboxing
Does the sport of kickboxing interest you? How about sculpting a killer body while also forging some killer self defense skills? There’s no need to be shy about jumping into kickboxing. Cardio kickboxing schools delight in regularly seeing newcomers, and turning those newcomers into mean, lean, kickboxing machines! No matter what your fitness or experience level, proper cardio kickboxing gyms will welcome you with open arms!

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